

2016-02-01    03'01''

主播: Irene(^_^)

593 15

The out-of-pocket expense for this trip is $500,and the rest is covered by the company.这次旅行,个人只需掏500美元,其他的都由公司包了。 I’m out of pocket these days I’m unavailable these days I’m absent these days——这一段我不在 To flush something down the toilet 白白浪费时间,金钱和努力 The whole day was flushed down the toilet 整整一天都浪费掉了 You just flushed all our savings down the toilet 你把咱两存的钱都糟践了 drive one's pigs to market打呼噜 last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.昨晚我听见他鼾声如雷。
上一期: 我说我很快乐
下一期: 新年快乐!!