

2015-12-14    04'31''

主播: Tina Liu

6853 234

A baked sweet potato is a street snack that will keep you warm during the cold winter. 烤地瓜是在寒冷的冬天一种热乎乎的街边小吃。 Words and Phrases bake: v. 烤,烘焙 sweet potato: n. 地瓜,甘薯 snack: n. 小吃 warm: adj. 温暖的,热情的 Tips Health Knowledge: Sweet potato is rich in carotene and therefore important for nutrition. 健康常识:红薯富含类胡萝卜素有宜于健康。 Tina个人微信:wusixuanfeng 欢迎来聊呐!