

2023-04-19    57'25''

主播: 杰克蜀黍的唠叨

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喜逢波士顿马拉松127周年之际,我们正好找出这本书来读了读。 怎么说呢,书看的五味杂陈的。。。。 聊天时谈到的意面派对的原材料用量,找到了原文: The numbers for the pre-race pasta party, held the evening before the Boston Marathon and so large that it takes several seatings on the Government Center grounds of Boston City Hall, are equally staggering: 11,300 pounds of pasta, nearly three thousand quarts of tomato sauce, 3,400 pounds of fresh vegetables, seventeen thousand cups of coffee and tea, thirty-five thousand gallons of water, 140 wait staff and chefs, and more than five thousand hours of prep work and cooking. 把单位都改成公斤: 意大利面:5112.39公斤 番茄酱:1279.95公斤 新鲜蔬菜:1542.21公斤 咖啡和茶:638.84升 水:132.49立方米 中文版中把番茄酱的使用量加了个0。。。。 @佳凝 @南子 @喵姐 一起阅读。 波士顿马拉松官网:链接 最新BQ:链接 豆瓣:链接 微信读书:链接 Kindle原著:链接 JD:链接 看书的同时配上波士顿马拉松官方地图一同食用为佳,地图原图下载 节目中的音乐来自www.fiftysounds.com/zh/