

2022-02-07    06'34''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

187 1

【句子】No, I’m telling you. Susan really flew off the handle when she jumped the kid. 【Desperate Housewives S02E01】 【发音】/nəʊ/ /aɪm/ /ˈtel.ɪŋ/ /juː/ /ˈsuːzn/ /ˈrɪə.li/ /ˈriː.ə-/ /fluː/ /ɒf/ /ɑːf/ /ðə/ /ˈhæn.dl/ /wen/ /ʃiː/ /dʒʌmpt/ /ðə/ /kɪd/ 【发音技巧】jumped the失去爆破+不完全爆破; 【翻译】不,我跟你讲……苏珊冲向那个孩子的时候,简直怒不可遏。 【适用场合】 今天我们这段台词中,讲两个有点难度的表达: 1. fly off the handle 2. jump sb. 先来看看第一个表达,很有意思: fly off the handle “飞脱了把手,”是这个意思吗? 想一个场景:抡一把锤头/斧头的时候,上面最重的部分松了,飞了出来,多可怕呀,是一种失控的场景。 所以fly off the handle可以用来在口语中指“一个人情绪失控,变得特别生气、大发雷霆怒不可遏、勃然大怒”; to become uncontrollably angry或者to lose control of one’s temper 下面我们看一些例子: eg: I know you're upset, but there's no point flying off the handle like that. It was just an honest mistake. 我知道你不高兴,但是像那样生气发火也没意义。那只是一个无心之过。 eg: Every time anyone mentions that, she flies off the handle. 每当有人提起那件事,她都会大发雷霆。 eg: If she keeps flying off the handle like that, she'll have a heart attack.如果她一直像那样动不动就生气的话,她会得心脏病的。 eg: Tom flies off the handle at the slightest setback. Tom碰到小小的挫折,也会情绪失控。 eg: There’s no need to fly off the handle! 没必要发这么大火的。 没必要大发雷霆的。 eg: He flew off the handle when the train was finally cancelled. 当那趟火车最终被取消的时候,他大发雷霆。 今天要学的第二个表达叫做jump sb. 此时jump是一个及物动词的使用。 我们来看看对应的英文解释: to attack someone suddenly “突然攻击某一个人”; 口语中也可以说jump on sb. 是一样的意思; If someone jumps on you or jumps you, they attack you suddenly. eg: They were just walking home when a bunch of guys jumped (on) them. 他们正往家里走的时候,一群人突然攻击了他们。 eg: The thieves jumped him in a dark alleyway. 那群贼在一个黑暗的小巷里攻击了他。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He flies off the handle every time the mail is late.