

2022-03-15    05'03''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】So if you could just slip me someone else’s test results, I could make my own. 【Desperate Housewives S02E01】 【发音】/səʊ/ /ɪf/ /juː/ /kʊd/ /dʒʌst/ /slɪp/ /miː/ /ˈsʌm.wʌn/ /elsɪz/ /test/ /rɪˈzʌlts/ /aɪ/ /kʊd/ /meɪk/ /maɪ/ /əʊn/ 【发音技巧】could just不完全爆破;just slip不完全爆破;slip me不完全爆破;test results不完全爆破;could make不完全爆破; 【翻译】所以只要你私下给我看看别人的测试结果,我就可以自己弄一份。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下这个表达,叫做slip sb. sth. 或者slip sth. to sb. If you slip something to someone, you give it to them secretly. 所以这俩短语可以用来表示:悄悄地把某个东西递给某个人; eg: Robert had slipped her a note in school. Robert在学校给她偷偷递了一张纸条。 eg: She looked round before pulling out a package and slipping it to the man. 她四处张望了一下,然后抽出一个包裹,偷偷塞给了那个男人。 eg: He slipped the bar of candy into his pocket. 他把那块糖悄悄地放进了自己的口袋里。 eg: If you slip him some cash he’ll get you good seats. 如果你给他偷偷塞点钱,他会给你找些好座位。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He slipped the note to me when the teacher wasn't looking.