

2022-03-30    05'32''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

1690 8

【句子】Oh, come on. You can tell me. Did he slap you around? 【Desperate Housewives S02E01】 【发音】/əʊ/ /kʌm/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /juː/ /kæn/ /tel/ /miː/ /dɪd/ /hiː/ /slæp/ /juː/ /ə'raʊnd/ 【发音技巧】come on连读;Did he不完全爆破; 【翻译】拜托,你可以跟我说的。他殴打你了吗? 【适用场合】 今天我们在节目中讲一下slap sb. around,这个短语在口语中你也可以说是slap sb. about, 这俩短语的意思是什么呢? “不停地殴打某个人” to hit sb. repeatedly; to hit sb. regularly or often; 或者to hit sb. more than once; 而且在有些词典中,这个短语,会被标注出来:This is used especially about men who hit their wives or girlfriends. 尤其是特指男人打老婆或者女朋友这样的情况; eg: Her ex-husband used to slap her around. 她的前夫以前经常殴打她。 eg: He was slapping a woman around and I objected. 他当时正在打一个女人,我制止了。 eg: Her husband has been slapping her around, but she’s afraid to go to the police. 她丈夫一直都在殴打她,但是她害怕,不敢报警。 eg: Our dad wasn't afraid to slap us around a bit when we got out of line as kids.(类似spank) 我们小的时候,做事如果过分了,我爸是会揍我们一顿的。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 If he still won't sign the contract, send some muscle over there to slap him around a bit.