【绝望的主妇】give someone hell是什么意思?

【绝望的主妇】give someone hell是什么意思?

2022-04-14    07'26''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

223 2

【句子】Give’em hell, honey! 【Desperate Housewives S02E01】 【发音】/gɪv/ /əm/ /hel/ /ˈhʌn.i/ 【发音技巧】them被略读变成了’em; 【翻译】亲爱的,给他们点颜色瞧瞧! 【适用场合】 今天我们来一个短语叫做: give someone hell; 这个短语的字面意思是: “给某个人地狱”; 看起来不是什么好意思,这个短语在口语中确实可以表示: 1. “让某个人不好过;对某个人非常生气、愤怒;”; to be very angry with someone or treat them severely 或者“给某个人带来麻烦/不便/挑战”; to produce or present problems or challenges for one eg: I’d avoid the boss today---he’s already given me hell. 他已经让我很不好过了,我今天得躲着点老板。 eg: She gets teased at school. The children give her hell, particularly the older boys. 她在学校被嘲笑,那些孩子,尤其是那些年龄大些的男孩子欺负她。 eg: Her back is giving her hell at the moment. She’s in constant pain. 她的背现在让她痛苦不堪,她一直处在疼痛中。 2. 它也可以表示: “严厉地批评某个人” to scold or reprimand someone, often severely 跟第一个意思其实还是有紧密关联的; eg: The boss gave them hell for not finishing in time. 他们工作没有按时完成,被老板严厉批评了。 eg: Mom will give her hell if she doesn't get home soon. 如果她不赶紧回家的话,妈妈会要她好看。 eg: My father saw this in the newspaper and he gave me absolute hell. 我的爸爸在报纸上看到这个消息,把我狠狠地训了一顿。 3. 那么学习了这俩比较常见的意思以后,我们再来说,这个短语在口语中它还经常用作鼓励别人的时候使用。 当你的朋友要去参加某一个活动、竞赛、面试等等,你想给他鼓鼓劲儿,加加油,想让他发挥出自己的最好水平来打败对手,或者完成挑战,此时都可以用这个短语。 所以可以理解成:“加油!”;“好好表现、一举拿下!”;或者“拿出最好水平,打败他们!”;“好好表现,要他们好看!”等等这样的意思; It’s an exclamation of encouragement for someone who is about to participate in something, often a competition, that is intended to motivate them to give their maximum effort in order to defeat their opponent ("them") or achieve success within that arena. eg: Good luck out there! Give them hell! 祝你好运啊!给他们点颜色瞧瞧!/让他们看看你的实力。 eg: A: "I just don't know if I'm cut out for college." B: "Nonsense! You're gonna give 'em hell!" A:“我不知道我是不是上大学的料。” B:“别胡说八道了,你会读得很好!” 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Dad will give us hell when he sees that mess.