【摩登家庭】tune sb. out猜猜是什么意思?

【摩登家庭】tune sb. out猜猜是什么意思?

2022-04-22    05'32''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

252 1

【句子】You know, sometimes I think you just tune me out. 【Modern Family S3E07】 【发音】/juː/ /nəʊ/ /ˈsʌm.taɪmz/ /aɪ/ /θɪŋk/ /juː/ /dʒʌst/ /tjuːn/ /miː/ /aʊt/ 【发音技巧】just tune失去爆破; 【翻译】有的时候,我觉得你就把我给忽略了。 【适用场合】 今天我们学一个这个短语,叫做: tune someone out 这个短语一般可以用来表达:“故意、有意地忽略、无视某个人或者某个事;“故意、有意地不去注意某个人/某个事”,或者“对某个人、某个事情置之不理,故意不理睬”; to willfully ignore or stop paying attention to someone or something eg: I have to try to tune out the kid's shouting when I work from home. 当我在家工作的时候,我不得不尽力去忽略孩子们的喊叫声。 eg: Stop tuning me out! I'm just trying to tell you why I'm upset. 别再故意无视我了!我只是想告诉你我难过的原因而已。 eg: I had to tune the radio out in order to concentrate. 我不得不有意忽略那个收音机的声音,以此来集中注意力。 eg: I tuned out what the speaker was saying and daydreamed for a while. 我无视了发言人说的话,做了一会儿白日梦。 eg: I wasn't interested in that, so I just tuned it out. 我对那个事情不感兴趣,所以我直接把它忽略了。 eg: I think that most of the audience tuned out during the last part of the lecture. 我觉得大部分的观众,在演讲进行到最后一部分的时候,都没有在听了。 eg: She tried to tune out the children's laughter so she could study. 她想屏蔽掉孩子们的笑声,这样她才能够学习。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He tunes me out every time I ask him about the money that he owes me.