

2022-04-25    06'14''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

199 1

【句子】-- Oh. What is this? -- You said to knock your socks off. 【Modern Family S3E07】 【发音】/əʊ/ /wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /ɪz/ /ðɪs/ /juː/ /sed/ /tʊ/ /nɒk/ /nɑːk/ /jə(r)/ /sɒks/ /sɑːks/ /ɒf/ /ɑːf/ 【发音技巧】What is连读+闪音;said to失去爆破;socks off连读; 【翻译】-- 噢,这是什么? -- 您说过要给您惊喜的嘛。 【适用场合】 knock one’s socks off 字面的意思是:把某个人的袜子敲到地上; 其实是指: to overwhelm, excite or amaze one 让某个人感到惊讶;把某个人震住了;使某个人不知所措;给某个人惊喜; 口语中也可以说knock someone’s socks off, 或者knock the socks off sb.,也是一个意思; eg: It is a performance that will knock your socks off. 那个演出会让你感到很震撼的。 eg: The show of support from everyone just knocked my socks off. 看到每个人都那么支持,我惊呆了。 eg: That movie really knocked my socks off—I didn't expect it to be so good! 那部电影真的是震撼到我了,我没想到它这么棒! eg: Apparently that movie really knocked the socks off Tim—he's been raving about it since he came home. 很显然那部电影让Tim叹为观止,从回家以后,他就一直在极力夸赞它。 eg: Catherine knocked the socks off the other kids in the game. Catherine在那次游戏中把其他孩子都震住了。 eg: The news knocked the socks off everyone in the office. 那条新闻让办公室里面的每一个人都惊呆了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 With that dress and your new haircut you’ll knock their socks off!