

2022-05-18    05'28''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】It’s about tapping into your emotion, your passion, and your inner fire. 【Modern FamilyS3E07】 【发音】/ɪts/ /əˈbaʊt/ /ˈtæpɪŋ/ /'ɪntʊ/ /jə(r)/ /ɪ'məʊʃn/ /jə(r)/ /ˈpæʃ.ən/ /ənd/ /jə(r)/ /'ɪnə(r)/ /'faɪə(r)/ 【发音技巧】it’s about连读;about tapping失去爆破;and your音的同化; 【翻译】跳好这种舞需要调动你的感情、激情,和你心中内藏的火焰。 【适用场合】 今天要学习的短语是什么呢? tap into sth. 我们先来看看这个短语的英文解释? 比较常见的意思是: 1. to establish a connection with; to have access to; 和某个资源建立连接;有渠道接触到某个资源; 2. to take advantage of 利用;占用; eg: I’ll have to tap into my savings to pay my bills. 我将不得不把我的存款拿来支付我的账单。 eg: Are you tapping your staff’s full potential? 你是在调动你的员工的潜力吗? eg: We are trying to tap into a new market. 我们正在试图攻入一个新市场。 eg: We tapped into their enthusiasm to improve the school. 我们充分调动了他们的热情和积极性来改善这所学校。 eg: The politician tapped into voter anger and won the election. 那位政客充分利用了投票人群的愤怒,最终赢得了选举。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The man was found guilty for illegally tapping into the city's electrical grid without paying.