

2022-06-02    07'32''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

188 1

【句子】-- Yeah, that blows. -- I know we’re both shaken up, but let’s watch the language. 【ModernFamilyS3E08】 【发音】/jeə/ /ðæt/ /bləʊz/ /aɪ/ /nəʊ/ /wɪə(r)/ /bəʊθ/ /ˈʃeɪkən/ /ʌp/ /bʌt/ /lets/ /wɒtʃ/ /wɑːtʃ/ /ðə/ /ˈlæŋ.gwɪdʒ/ 【发音技巧】That blows失去爆破;shaken up连读;but let’s不完全爆破; 【翻译】-- 太不走运了。 -- 我知道咱们都被吓坏了,不过还是要注意文明用语。 【适用场合】 在口语中,That blows就有点像That sucks. 这样的意思; 在这里的上下文中,就可以理解成:“那可真的是太不走运了;太惨了”这样的意思; 那么什么叫做be shaken up呢? “被摇晃”的意思吗? If you are shaken up or shook up by an unpleasant experience, it makes you feel shocked and upset, and unable to think calmly or clearly. 其实指的是“一次不愉快的经历让你非常震惊、难过,以至于你都不能够冷静或者头脑清楚地进行思考”; eg: The jockey was shaken up when he was thrown twice from his horse yesterday. 昨天那位骑师两次从马背上摔下来,他都被摔懵了。 eg: I was very shaken up after the car accident. I couldn't even speak properly to the police for about an hour. 那场车祸真的把我吓懵了,我有大约一个小时的时间,都不能跟警察清楚地表达。 eg: I remained shaken up for most of the day after hearing about my grandfather's death. 在听到祖父的死讯以后,我几乎那一整天都缓不过来神儿。 eg: He said that the accident had left her a bit shook up, but she was going to be just fine. 他说那场车祸让她受到了惊吓,但是她会没事的。 那么什么叫watch one’s language呢? 这个短语我们之前讲过。 其实就是Do not use rude words,这样的意思; 或者:to be careful about what you say in order not to upset or offend sb. “不用粗鲁的字眼;不说脏话以防冒犯别人、以防让别人不开心”; eg: Watch your language in front of ladies, young man! 年轻人/小伙子,在女士面前说话注意点! eg: You mind your language, young lady, or you'll be grounded for the weekend! 你说话注意点,年轻的女士,否则你将会被禁足整个周末! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He was in the car when those people died. That really shook him up.