

2022-06-09    06'42''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

231 1

【句子】In ten years, I’ve asked him for one thing—to hook up my wireless printer. 【ModernFamilyS3E08】 【发音】/ɪn/ /ten/ /jɪə(r)z/ /aɪv/ /ɑːskt/ /æskt/ /hɪm/ /fə(r)/ /wʌn/ /θɪŋ/ /tʊ/ /hʊk/ /ʌp/ /maɪ/ /ˈwaɪə(r).ləs/ /ˈprɪn.tə(r)/ 【发音技巧】asked him失去爆破+击穿;hook up连读;up my不完全爆破; 【翻译】十年来,我就麻烦他过一次:连接上我的无线打印机。 【适用场合】 今天节目当中我们主要学这样一个动词短语,叫做hook up, 其实说到hook up,我们之前在节目中讲老友记S2E5的时候讲过。当时是在第665期节目当中。大家可以点击超链接跳转复习一下。 (标题:“这些年一直想撮合你俩来着……”) 当时的关键句中包含这么一段: but I was kind of hoping we could hook up again 但是我还是希望,我们有复合的机会。 在英文口语中,hook up可以理解成:to meet with someone in order to spend time with them“一起出去玩”,类似于hang out; 或者to start a romantic relationship“谈恋爱”; eg: I hope we'll be able to hook up for coffee or something while you're home for Christmas break. 你圣诞假期回家的时候,希望我们有空可以一起聚聚喝杯咖啡什么的。 eg: No, we never hooked up—we're just friends. 不,我们没有谈过恋爱,我们只是朋友。 那么再来看看在今天节目当中hook up的用法。 在英文当中hook up sth. (to sth.)可以表示:“把某个东西连接到某个电子设备上”或者是“把某个东西接上电源”; 或者可以理解成“把某个电子设备安装好”; to connect sth. to a piece of electronic equipment or to a power supply 或者 to set something up and get it working eg: Check that the computer is hooked up to the printer. 检查一下计算机是否与打印机接通/连接。 eg: Will it take long to hook the telephone up? 把那部电话安装好需要很长时间吗? eg: Could you help me hook up my stereo? 你能帮我把我的立体声音响装好吗? eg: As soon as they hook up the computer to the network, I can e-mail my friends. 他们把电脑一连上网,我就可以给我的朋友们发电子邮件了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Someone from the cable company stopped by to hook the television up.