

2022-07-26    05'34''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

172 1

【句子】Take a breather. It’s just a dent. 【ModernFamilyS3E09】 【发音】/teɪk/ /ə/ /ˈbriː.ðə(r)/ /ɪts/ /dʒʌst/ /ə/ /dent/ 【发音技巧】Take a连读;just a连读; 【翻译】放轻松,不过就是一个小的凹痕而已。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下什么叫做take a breather,其实你也可以说have a breather,一个意思。 下面,我们来看看对应的英文解释: to take a short pause 或者 If you take a breather, you stop what you are doing for a short time and have a rest. 所以基本可以等同于Relax或者Chill out. 或者 Calm down. 这样的意思; eg: Relax and take a breather whenever you feel that you need one. 不论啥时候,你觉得想休息了,就放松放松,把手头活儿停了,休息休息。 eg: Tell me when you need a breather. 如果你想停下歇一会儿的话,告诉我。 eg: We are going to have a five-minute breather. 我们将会休息五分钟。 eg: He'd been working hard and felt he needed to take a breather. 他那段时间工作特别忙,后来他觉得自己需要休息休息。 eg: We took a breather after skiing for two hours. 滑雪滑了俩小时以后,我们休息了一阵子。 eg: You can go ahead on the hike if you want, I'm going to stop here and take a breather. 你要是还能继续徒步远足的话,你就继续,我得先在这停一会儿休息一下。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The senator is taking a breather from his campaign to spend some time with his family.