

2022-07-28    08'24''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】-- I’m having second thoughts about this centerpiece. -- Ay, no! -- Hear him out. 【ModernFamilyS3E09】 【发音】/aɪm/ /hævɪŋ/ /ˈsek.ənd/ /θɔːts/ /θɑːts/ /əˈbaʊt/ /ðɪs/ /ˈsen.tə.piːs/ /aɪ/ /nəʊ/ /hɪə(r)/ /hɪm/ /aʊt/ 【发音技巧】second thoughts不完全爆破;thoughts about连 读;about this不完全爆破;him out连读; 【翻译】-- 关于这个餐桌摆饰,我有点犹豫了。 -- 咳,别想了! -- 听他说完。 【适用场合】 今天我们学习两个短语: 1. have second thoughts about sth./sb. 这个短语的字面意思是: 关于某个事情/某个人有了第二个想法、主意; 来看看英文解释: to begin to doubt a decision you have already made “开始怀疑之前做的判断/决定,有点想推翻之前的判断/决定”; eg: I think she's having second thoughts about leaving London. 我觉得离开伦敦这事儿,她应该是想法有了变化。 eg: Why are you hesitating? You're not having second thoughts about him, are you? 你为什么要犹豫呀?你不会是对他变卦了吧? A: "Where's the bride?" B: "I don't know. Maybe she had second thoughts about getting married." A:“新娘子呢?” B:“我不知道啊,也许她临时变卦了不想结婚了呢。” eg: After she agreed to lend him the money, she had second thoughts. 在她同意借给他钱以后,她又变卦了。 今天我们要来学***二个短语是: hear sb. out 实话说,这个短语我们之前就学过了,来看看。 之前我们在讲解摩登家庭S1E20,第379期节目中讲过,来听一下当时的关键句,大家可以点击超链接跳转复习一下。 > > 点我复习 < < 【句子】Well, I think it’d be rude not to hear him out. 【Modern Family-S1E20】 【翻译】我觉得不听完人家说话蛮不礼貌的。 【适用场合】 hear sb. out 听某个人把话说完(尽管你可能不愿意) to listen to what someone has to say, often when the listener is reluctant to do so 我们来稍微复习几个例句: eg: I know you're furious with me, but please hear me out. 我知道你特别生我气,但是请先听我说完。 eg: I'm serious about this. Hear me out, please. 我认真的。请听我说完。 eg: Please just hear out his arguments before you make any final decisions. 在你做任何最终决定之前,请先听完他的观点。 eg: Hear out the witness. Don't jump to conclusions. 把那位证人的话听完,不要着急下结论。 eg: Listen to his side! We have to hear everyone out on this matter. 听听他的说法,这事儿上我们得把每个人的观点都听一遍。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He hardly gave it a second thought.