

2022-08-11    08'29''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

171 1

【句子】It’s healthy to get things out in the open. 【ModernFamilyS3E09】 【发音】/ɪts/ /ˈhel.θi/ /tʊ/ /get/ /θɪŋz/ /aʊt/ /ɪn/ /ðiː/ /ˈəʊ.pən/ 【发音技巧】get things不完全爆破;things out连读;the open the重读; 【翻译】不藏藏掖掖的,打开天窗说亮话,对大家都好。 【适用场合】 今天我们学的英文短语,叫做in the open; 这个短语本来字面意思是: “露天的;在户外的”; outdoors 这个意思; eg: Children need to play out in the open. 孩子们需要在户外玩耍。 eg: John's bike was stolen because he left it out in the open. John的自行车被偷了,因为他之前把车子放在户外了。 今天视频中这个短语的用法,稍微不一样一些。 in the open 其实也可以理解成not hidden; 或者 revealed or uncovered for others to know, see, experience, etc. “暴露、公之于众;让大家都看到、知道”; eg: Back in my hometown, you could leave your car unlocked and in the open all night long. In the big city, it would be robbed within an hour. 在我的家乡,你可以一整晚不锁车,放在户外。但是放在大城市,它一个小时之内就会被偷走。 eg: Government officials do not want these comments in the open. 政府官员不想让这些言论公之于众。 eg: We all knew their marriage was failing, but it wasn't until their kids left for college that they brought that fact out in the open. 我们都知道他们要离婚了,但是直到他们孩子去上大学了,他们才把分开的消息公之于众。 eg: Our agency will not rest until the truth is in the open! 除非真相大白,否则我们机构是不会善罢甘休的! A: "Now that everything is out in the open, do you think Jenny will be able to forgive me?" B: "Unfortunately, only time will tell." A:“现在一切都真相大白/摆在明面上了。你觉得Jenny能原谅我吗?” B:“不走运,只有时间才能告诉你答案了。” 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The names of the students who voted against the teacher are now in the open.