

2022-09-30    09'09''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】And if you expect me to go back and sweet talk her into getting the operation, I can’t show up empty-handed. 【Desperate Housewives S02E02】 【发音】/ənd/ /ɪf/ /juː/ /ɪkˈspekt/ /miː/ /tʊ/ /gəʊ/ /bæk/ /ənd/ /swiːt/ /tɔːk/ /tɑːk/ /hɜː(r)/ /ˈɪn.tuː/ /getɪŋ/ /ðiː/ /ˌɒp.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ /ˌɑː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/ /aɪ/ /kɑːnt/ /kænt/ /ʃəʊ/ /ʌp/ /ˌemp.tiˈhæn.dɪd/ 【发音技巧】And if连读;expect me失去爆破+不完全爆破;and sweet talk不完全爆破+失去爆破;talk her击穿;getting闪音;the operation重读the;can’t show up不完全爆破+连读; 【翻译】如果你希望我回去,用甜言蜜语劝她去做手术,总不能让我空手去吧。 【适用场合】 今天节目中,我们讲一下这个表达,叫做 sweet talk sb. into doing sth. to use charm or flattery to persuade one to do something 使用个人魅力或者说一些奉承的、漂亮的话来说服某个人做某事; 或者: If you sweet talk someone, you talk to them very nicely so that they will do what you want. 口语中,sweet-talk中间加上连字符也可以的。 eg: I can't believe I let him sweet talk me into lending him my car for the weekend. 我不能相信我居然被他甜言蜜语给糊弄了,答应周末把车借给他了。 eg: Remember the reasons why you're quitting—don't let them sweet talk you into staying! 记得你为啥要辞职,别让他们甜言蜜语又把你说服,留下来了。 eg: The salesman tried to sweet-talk me into buying a bigger car. 那位销售想要通过说些漂亮话,劝说我买一辆更大的车。 eg: I can't believe you let him sweet-talk you into working for him! 我不敢相信,他说些好听的话,就能说服你为他打工。 eg: Joe sweet-talked her into lending him the money. Joe对她说了一些甜言蜜语,让她借给了自己那笔钱。 eg: She could always sweet-talk Pamela into letting her stay up late. 她总能对Pamela说些漂亮话,说服她熬夜。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He even tried to sweet-talk the policewoman who arrested him.