【句子】Do you know any friends that he might have, anywhere he might be holed up? 【Desperate Housewives S02E03】
【发音】/duː/ /juː/ /nəʊ/ /ˈen.i/ /frendz/ /ðæt/ /hiː/ /maɪt/ /hæv/ /ˈen.i.weə(r)/ /hiː/ /maɪt/ /biː/ /həʊld/ /ʌp/
【发音技巧】that he击穿+连读+闪音;might have不完全爆破;might be失去爆破;holed up连读;
今天我们学习一下hole up的用法。
to stay in a particular place as a refuge from something
或者to take shelter somewhere
再比如说:if you hole up or are holed up somewhere, you stay there, especially because you are hiding
eg: We just holed up at home with some good movies while it snowed all weekend.
eg: The cops are going to find us holed up here eventually.
eg: It looks like the bad weather is coming. We'd better find a place to hole up.
eg: We'd better find some shelter and hole up until the storm passes.
eg: The police are looking for me. I need somewhere to hole up.
eg: The thieves holed up in a remote cabin until the police stopped looking for them.
正如刚才说的,我们也可以说be holed up 也是一样的意思,表示:to hide in a place;
比如: We believe they are holed up in the mountains.
eg: She was holed up at a resort somewhere, trying to avoid the media.
The weather outside was cold, so the rabbits holed up in their warren.