【绝望的主妇】point fingers有什么特别的意思吗?

【绝望的主妇】point fingers有什么特别的意思吗?

2023-01-17    06'25''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

300 0

【句子】And I'm not pointing any fingers... 【Desperate Housewives S02E03】 【发音】/ənd/ /aɪm/ /nɒt/ /nɑːt/ /pɔɪntɪŋ/ /ˈen.i/ /ˈfɪŋ.gə(r)z/ 【发音技巧】And I'm连读;not pointing失去爆破; 【翻译】我不是要指责谁。 【适用场合】 今天我们学习这个短语:point fingers at sb./sth. 或者point a finger at sb./sth.或者point the finger at sb./sth. 这些短语表面上的意思是:“用手指某个人/某个东西”; 其实有的时候,根据上下文语境,可以引申为:“指责某个人,认为某个人应该为某件事情负责任”; If you point the finger at someone or point an accusing finger at someone, you blame them or accuse them of doing wrong. 这个短语也可以在finger前面加accusing,意思不变。 eg: He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army. 他说他不是指责政府或者军方的任何一个人。 eg: A: "It was your fault the launch failed!" B: "My fault? You're the developer!" C: "Whoa, let's not point fingers here, gentlemen." A:“发射失败了都是你的错。” B:“我的错?你是研发人员!” C:“哇哇,先生们,我们不要互相指责。” eg: The article points an accusing finger at the authorities. 这篇文章指责/谴责了当局。 eg: I know you guys all want to point fingers at me, but I swear, this wasn't my fault. 我知道你们大家都想指责我,但是我发誓,这不是我的错。 甚至英文当中,finger-pointing都可以直接指“指责行为”; the act of blaming sb. for sth. 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Many analysts are pointing fingers at the company's recent scandal for its lackluster fiscal quarter.