

2023-01-30    06'38''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

214 2

【句子】Occasionally, we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible.【Desperate Housewives S02E03】 【发音】/əˈkeɪ.ʒən.əl.i/ /wiː/ /pʊt/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ə/ /ʃəʊ/ /æz/ /ɪf/ /tʊ/ /kənˈvɪns/ /ˌaʊəˈselvz/ /aʊə(r)/ /ˈsiː.krəts/ /ɑː(r)nt/ /ˈrɪə.li/ /ɔːl/ /ɑːl/ /ðæt/ /ˈter.ə.bl/ 【发音技巧】put on连读+闪音;on a连读;as if连读;convince ourselves连读;aren't really不完全爆破;that terrible失去爆破; 【翻译】偶尔,我们会演戏,就好像我们的秘密并没有那么可怕一样。 【适用场合】 今天学的是这样的一个短语,叫做put on a show, 这个短语的字面意思是:上演一出演出;表演一出节目; 而且口语中,可以在show前面加上good或者poor等等形容词。 比如说: put on a good show 上演一出好戏; put on a poor show 演了一出烂戏; 所以这样的短语对应的是什么样的英文解释呢? 一起来看看: to attempt, do, or perform something with a particular level of quality (specified before "show") eg: Every year, the city carolers put on a wonderful show in front of city hall. 每一年,城市圣诞颂歌团都会在市政厅前上演精彩的演出。 eg: Considering that the children had no help, they put on a marvellous show. 考虑到这些孩子都是自己完成的,他们的表演已经可以说是很精彩了。 eg: They put on a show of being interested, but I don't think they really were. 他们表现出来一副很感兴趣的样子,但是我觉得他们不是真的感兴趣。 eg: The team put on a good show in the competition. 这支队伍在比赛中表现出色。 eg: Ms. Morris was determined to put on a show of family unity. 莫里斯女士决定演出一副全家团结的样子。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Though they were heavily favored to win, the team put on a pretty poor show.