

2023-02-26    06'31''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Careful to bob and weave as he tries to blow your head off?【Desperate Housewives S02E04】 【发音】/ˈkeə(r).fəl/ /tʊ/ /bɒb/ /bɑːb/ /ənd/ /wiːv/ /æz/ /hiː/ /traɪz/ /tʊ/ /bləʊ/ /jə(r)/ /hed/ /ɒf/ /ɑːf/ 【发音技巧】bob and weave连读+类似不完全爆破的处理;head off连读; 【翻译】担心他打爆你的头而小心躲闪吗? 【适用场合】 今天我们学习一下,这样的一个表达,叫做bob and weave。 bob在英文中本意可以指:“快速上下移动”; 而weave可以用来指:“快速移动,突然变换方向以避免被击中”; 所以bob and weave可以怎么用呢? 看看对应的英文解释: to move quickly up and down and side to side, typically in an attempt to evade someone or something 快速地上下或者左右躲闪,尤其是为了躲避某个人或者某个事物; eg: You need to bob and weave more so that your opponent can't hit you. 你得更多地躲闪、闪避,这样你的对手才不会打中你。 eg: He went on a run through midfield, bobbing and weaving around defenders. 他跑过中场,一边跑一边避开了对方的防守队员。 eg: You'll see publicists behind the stars, cellphone in hand, bobbing and weaving when photographers are near to keep themselves out of the spotlight. 你会看到那些明星背后的公关人员,他们手里拿着手机,当摄像师离得过近的时候,他们左右闪躲,想让自己远离聚光灯。 这个短语也可以用来指: to repeatedly avoid answering questions or dealing with a situation “一直回避回答某个问题”;或者“一直回避处理某个情况、问题” eg: If you try to bob and weave and avoid answering, to the voters it's a turn-off. 如果你想避重就轻,躲避回答这个问题,对于投票的人来说,你这就是一个丢分项。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 After eleven years of bobbing and weaving, of partial, hesitant reform, the government may finally have to act.