

2023-03-16    06'58''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

289 2

【句子】-- I say pile on the hugs. -- That’ll fix everything? Hugs? 【Desperate Housewives S02E04】 【发音】/aɪ/ /seɪ/ /paɪl/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ðə/ /hʌgz/ /ðætl/ /fɪks/ /ˈev.ri.θɪŋ/ /hʌgz/ 【发音技巧】pile on连读;fix everything连读; 【翻译】 -- 我建议多多拥抱。 -- 那就能解决所有问题吗?拥抱? 【适用场合】 今天节目当中讲的短语是pile on pile on的其中一个用法和意义就是: to increase quickly; 快速增加、增长; eg: The weight just piled on while I was abroad. 当我在国外的时候,我的体重嗖嗖地涨。 eg: Now that one person has come forward to accuse him of embezzlement, more and more testimony keeps piling on. 既然一个人已经站出来指责他贪污了,越来越多的证据会继续叠加的。 eg: After the first few negative reviews, all the other critics started piling on. 在第一批负面评论出现以后,其他的那些批评家也都跟风批评。 eg: Criticisms were piling onto the embattled CEO, until finally he was forced to resign from the company. 这位CEO被铺天盖地的批评压得喘不过气,最终四面楚歌的他被迫辞职离开公司。 eg: After she had the heart attack, the pounds piled on, and her weight rose to 15 stone. 在她心脏病病发以后,她的体重不断上涨,已经到了200斤出头。 (这里的stone是重量单位,1 stone被称之为1英石,等于6.35kg) eg: I used credit card a lot, piling on more debt. 我很频繁地用信用卡,债务越积越多。 eg: With the amount of bad press that's been piling on the senator, you'd think he would avoid the public spotlight for a while. 负面新闻缠身,你会觉得这位参议员应该暂时不要出现在公共聚光灯下比较好。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 When I returned to live with my parents, the weight piled on because I was stuffing myself with home cooking.