

2023-03-20    06'37''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

263 1

【句子】I mean, this is conjecture on my part. 【Desperate Housewives S02E04】 【发音】/aɪ/ /miːn/ /ðɪs/ /ɪz/ /kənˈdʒek.tʃə(r)/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /maɪ/ /pɑː(r)t/ 【发音技巧】this is连读; 【翻译】我的意思是说,这只是我个人的推测。 【适用场合】 今天节目当中讲的短语,叫做on someone’s part,指的是“就某个人而言;从某个人的立场出发”; If you talk about a feeling or action on someone's part, you are referring to something that they feel or do. 或者有的时候可以直接理解成:is done by someone,“由某个人做的”; eg: It was an error on my part. 那是我造成的失误。 eg: There is no need for any further instructions on my part. 我没必要再做进一步的指导了。 eg: If you want to go camping, son, there would be no objection on our part. 儿子,如果你想去露营,我们不会阻止你的。 eg: On the employees' part, the company's merger means that many will be losing their jobs. 站在员工的立场来看,这家公司的合并意味着许多员工会失业。 eg: Jane on her part has been instrumental in getting this project off the ground. 简在整个项目的成功当中起到了非常重要的作用。 eg: There has been no shortage of effort on his part to make sure this campaign has been successful. 他一直在不遗余力地确保这次活动成功地举办。 eg: The argument started because of an angry remark on his part. 这次争论的起因是他在气头上说的一句话。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 There have been numerous instances of excessive force on the part of security police.