

2024-01-05    07'49''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

215 2

【句子】Susan, what the hell have you been smoking? 【Desperate Housewives S2E6】 【发音】/ˈsuːzn/ /wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /ðə/ /hel/ /hæv/ /juː/ /biːn/ /ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ/ 【发音技巧】what the不完全爆破;have you类似连读; 【翻译】苏珊,你吃错什么药了? 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下英文中这个表达。 在英文中,What are you smoking? 或者What have you been smoking? 都可以用来表达:“你在想什么?”、“你是不是傻”或者“你吃错什么药了?”这样的意思; 相当于:What are you thinking? It is used to imply that someone's opinion, decision, behavior, etc., is wildly absurd, nonsensical, or inappropriate. 这里的smoke其实不是“吸烟”的意思,多多少少有点“嗑药”的含义; eg: You picked bright yellow wallpaper for our bedroom? What are you smoking? 你给咱们卧室选了一个亮黄色的壁纸?你在想啥呢? eg: A: "I just bought us tickets to Tokyo! We leave next week!" B: "What are you smoking? I can't just drop everything and fly to Tokyo!" A:“我刚给咱们买了去东京的机票。我们下周出发。” B:“你想啥呢?我不可能扔下一切就飞到东京去。” eg: What are you smoking? Why are you dating with strangers? 你在想啥呢?/你脑子不好使吗?你为什么要跟陌生人约会? eg: -- I'm going to take a walk in the rain. -- Are you smoking? -- 我要去雨中散个步。 -- 你是不是傻? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 你要把这件事情告诉老师,你是不是傻?