

2024-06-12    07'26''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

264 1

【句子】Isthis what you've been teaching our son?... thatwomen are some kind of unclean lepers thatshould be hidden away under sheets for a week?【Modern Family S3E17】 【发音】/ɪz//ðɪs/ /wɒt/ /wɑːt/ /juːv/ /biːn/ /ˈtiː.tʃɪŋ/ /aʊə(r)/ /sʌn//ðæt/ /ˈwɪmɪn/ /ɑː(r)/ /sʌm/ /kaɪnd/ /əv/ /ʌnˈkliːn/ /ˈlep.ə(r)z/ /ðæt/ /ʃʊd/ /biː/ /ˈhɪdn/ /əˈweɪ/ /ˈʌn.də(r)/ /ʃiːts/ /fə(r)/ /ə/ /wiːk/ 【发音技巧】whatyou've音的同化;thatwomen类似不完全爆破的处理;womenare连读;kindof连读;thatshouldbe不完全爆破+失去爆破;hiddenaway连读;fora连读; 【翻译】你就是这样教儿子的吗?女人都是不干净的麻风病人,得在床单下隔离一周吗? 【适用场合】 今天我们学习一下hideaway的用法,可以理解成:tokeep oneself, someone or something out of sight“把某个人/某个东西/自己藏起来,不被人看到”; eg: The cops are getting closer—you guys really need to find a place to hide away. 警察越来越近了。你们真得找个地方躲躲。 eg:Hide the Christmas presents away in the attic so that the kids don't see them. 把圣诞节礼物藏到阁楼去,这样孩子们就不会看到了。 eg: Please hide Randy away where no one can find him. 请把兰迪藏起来,藏到一个没人能找到的地方。 eg: Rachel hid the cake away, hoping to save it for dessert. 瑞秋把那个蛋糕藏起来了,希望能把它留着当甜品。 eg: Mary hid away the candy so the kids wouldn't eat it all. 玛丽把糖果藏起来了,这样孩子们就不会都吃完了。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 我把那钱藏到了我书房的抽屉里。