

2020-05-18    05'37''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4428 24

【句子】-- So, see you at seven? -- All Right. I’m counting the minutes. 【Desperate Housewives S1E14】 【发音】[səʊ] [si:] [ju:] [æt] [ˈsev.ən] [ɔ:l]/[ɑ:l] [raɪt] [aɪm] [kaʊntɪŋ] [ðə] ['mɪnɪts] 【发音技巧】at seven不完全失去爆破; 【翻译】-- 那明天7点见?-- 好的,我都等不及啦! 【适用场合】 在口语中, count the days/hours/minutes 特别期待某件事情发生,都有些等不及了。 to wait for something that you want very much to happen: eg: I'm counting the days until I see you again. 我一直期待着能再次见到你。 eg: They counted the days until they came home on leave. 他们都超级期待休假回家那一天的到来。 其实一样的意思,我们也可以在口语中说 count down (to) sth. to think about a future event with pleasure or excitement and count the minutes, days, etc. until it happens countdown n. 倒数计秒 eg: She's already counting down to the big day. 她已经日日夜夜都在期盼那个重要日子的到来了。 也许是爸爸妈妈承诺的带去Disney玩的日子或,或者长大了,要结婚了的那一天。 再比如说,学习压力大的时候,就会很期待期末到来,考完试就拉倒了。 eg: The children are counting down to their summer vacation. 孩子们超级期待暑假的到来! 再分享一个有意思的: 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 At this point, I'm counting down the days to my due date because I'm so sick of being pregnant!