

2020-08-26    05'50''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3549 17

【句子】I, too, took my fair share of ladies to the hen house. 【Modern Family-S2E12】 【发音】[aɪ] [tu:] [tʊk] [maɪ] [feə(r)] [ʃeə(r)] [əv] [ˈleɪ.diz] [tʊ] [ðə] [hen] [haʊs] 【发音技巧】took my不完全失去爆破;share of连读; 【翻译】我也带过不少女生去鸡舍呢。 【适用场合】 这里首先注意一点,一般too表示也,出现在肯定句句末。 偶尔也会看到出现在句子中间的,一般句中出现,会放在主语之后。 eg: He doesn't want to meet me. I, too, have been afraid to talk to him. 他不想见我。而我,也害怕和他说话。 今天我们学习一下什么叫做fair share (one's) fair share (of something) 一般用来指一个人应该得到的份额(不论好坏); all that one deserves, expects, or is entitled to, whether that be a good or a bad thing eg: Leave the rest for the others, you've had your fair share. 把剩下的给别人吧,你已经拿到你应得的那一份了。 那么看完这句话,回头再看看视频的对话,能明白了么大家? Cameron的意思是,他也曾经和几个妹子谈过好几次恋爱呢。 至于为什么去的是hen house,这个…主要是因为Cameron从小在农场长大。 eg: That poor girl has had to endure more than her fair share of trauma at such a young age. 那个可怜的姑娘,不得不经受她这个年纪不应承担的苦痛。 eg: He has suffered more than his fair share of disappointments. 他已经承受了过多的失望。 eg: The country's economy has seen its fair share of difficult times lately. 这个国家的经济最近非常困难/跌入了谷底。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Women must receive their fair share of training for good-paying jobs.