松鼠家-松果之声 15 / MHP [ Dub Techno ]

松鼠家-松果之声 15 / MHP [ Dub Techno ]

2015-07-22    96'52''

主播: 松鼠家 CAFE

684 22

松鼠家 松果之声 15 / MHP [ Dub Techno ] 97 MIN MHP 1981年出生于上海,资深电子音乐人。中国实验音乐的先行者,工业音乐先驱,电音舞曲的中坚力量 在过去十多年的音乐历程中,他的音乐含盖了前卫音乐、实验电子、电音舞曲、新媒体视觉艺术及现代舞 配乐等领域。从风格到技术,都是中国电子音乐发展的一个缩影。他的音乐树一帜的画面感和科幻意象被 称为“上海techno之子”。近年来他积极推动中国的前卫音乐文化,组织国际交流演出,学术讲座等。 重要活动: 2000- 组建前卫音乐团体AITAR和JUNKYARD独立发行多张专辑 受到英国权威音乐杂志《WIRE》关注 2002- 北京迷笛音乐节表演 2003- 上海多伦现代美术馆“打开天空”电子音乐会表演 2004- 在合辑《Sound of Silence》(“意态重组”音乐厂牌)中发表单曲 2007- 加入电音派对品牌V/O/I/D - 加入电音派对品牌ANTIDOTE 上海美术馆“果冻时代”艺术大展 2008- 复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院,任新媒体与流行文化课程教师 2009- 配乐作品参加戛纳国际电影节和上海国际电影节新片推荐会 2010- 在电子音乐合辑《eXpo》发表单曲(Shanghai Restoration Project 音乐厂牌) 上海世博会德国馆表演 北京迷笛音乐节表演 2011- 现代舞剧《伊甸园如是说》配乐,外滩18号爱玲艺术基金空间表演 海洋迷笛音乐节表演 镇江草莓音乐节表演 2012-“Fête de la Musique”上海夏至音乐日表演 主持上海多伦现代美术馆“前卫音乐与当代艺术”学术研讨会 与杨泳梁合作作品《极夜之昼》在北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心展出并发表原声唱片 中国美术学院上海设计分院讲座《不存在的边界-前卫音乐和视觉艺术的形态》 权威电子音乐媒体Resident Advisor专访 底特律厂牌Cratesavers International发行12寸黑胶EP《四方来朝》 2013- 在电子音乐合辑《奇幻混音之旅》发行混音单曲 上海草莓音乐节表演 上海外滩美术馆表演 《极夜之昼》在上海喜玛拉雅美术馆开馆展展出 Hugo Boss亚洲艺术大奖开幕式表演 法国驻沪总领事馆官邸表演 2013德中爵士即兴音乐节表演 2014- 豆瓣音乐人“公告牌之外”北京专场演出 2015- 第四届“阿比鹿音乐奖”,年度电子音乐人 Ma Haiping (MHP) Born in 1981 of Shanghai, Ma haiping (aka MHP), a senior musician. During the past 14 years, his music covers the avant-garde music, experimental, electronic dance music, soundtrack for visual arts and contemporary dance,etc. No matter from the music genre or the production technic ,he is a epitome of the development of Chinese electronic music scene. MHP is called “The son of Shanghai techno” for his music revealed a unique sense of screen and science fiction imagery. In recent years, he actively promoting the avant-garde music culture of China, organizing international exchange performances and academic lectures. Important activities: 2000- Set up avant-garde band AITAR and JUNKYARD, released albums independently, draw the attention of the authoritative music magazine “WIRE”. 2002- Performed on Beijing MIDI Music Festival 2003- Performed on “Open Sky” electronic music concert in Shanghai Duolun Museum Of Modern Art. 2004- Released a single track in the “VA-Sound of Silence” (Reconfiguration-Records) 2007- the electronic music crew VOID Exh ibition of “INFANTIZATION” in Shanghai Art Museum 2008- Take office of Shanghai Institute Of Visual Art , teach the history of contemporary music history 2009- Soundtrack works join the new film recommendation meeting of Festival De Cannes and Shanghai International Film Festival. 2010- Released a Single Track in “VA-eXpo”(Shanghai Restoration Project ) Perform for Germany Pavilion on 2010 Shanghai world EXPO Perform on Beijing MIDI Music Festival 2011- Soundtrack for contemporary dance “Garden of Eden” Perform on Ocean MIDI Music Festival Perform on Zhenjiang Strawberry Music Festival 2012- Perform on 2012 “Fête de la musique”,Shanghai . Hosted academic seminar “Avant-grade Music and Contemporary Art” by Shanghai Duolun Museum Of Modern Art. “The Day of Perpetual Night” cooperated with artist Yang Yongliang, exhibited in Beijing Ullens Center for Contemporary Art and Shanghai MD Gallery. Original soundtrack released in the same time . Lecture “Does not exist in the border-The avant-grade Music and Visual Art Form” by The China Academy of Art (Shanghai Branch). Released“The Chinese Connection” Vinyl, 12" EP (Cratesavers International, Detroit) Exclusive interview by authoritative electronic music media “Resident Advisor” 2013- Released a remix track ” Back to Start” (Mintelec Records) Perform on Shanghai Strawberry Music Festival Perform on RockBund Art Museum “The Day of Perpetual Night” exhibited in Shanghai Himalayas Museum Perform on and 2013 Fête de la musique,Shanghai Perform on “Hugo Boss Asia Art Award for Emerging Chinese Artists” opening event Perform on General Consulate of France in Shanghai Perform on 2013 Jazz Improvise Meeting Festival 2014- Perform for Douban Musician ,Beijing 2015- The 4th Abilu-Douban Music Awards,The best electronic artist