松鼠家-松果之声 21/ Jackie

松鼠家-松果之声 21/ Jackie

2015-09-04    50'42''

主播: 松鼠家 CAFE

618 15

松鼠家 松果之声 21 Jackie Jackie无论是作为中央人民广播电台调频音乐节目的制作/主持,还是网络电台、海盗电台的独立节目制作,直至各大地下俱乐部,迷笛、草莓音乐节的演出,以及Support国际艺人,都有他的身影,也曾扛着自己的唱片箱做全国巡演。或许是本土最为身体力行的诠释“DJ”这个角色的人物。 对于黑人音乐的喜爱,以及底特律根源的继承,使得目前致力于传统Techno/House领域的他与众不同。中规中矩、毫无生气的“安全牌”式混音手法是他所摒弃的。他是一名不按常理出牌、富有冒险精神的DJ,喜欢多种元素的杂糅。那些黑人风骨的节奏,科幻电影的氛围,工业化的声响,全部在现场即兴的碰撞中共冶一炉。同时,代表了本土DJ与制作人的他目前正专注于制作自己的作品,以及继续完善个人的黑胶收藏。 English Jackie is a next generation DJ who's musical roots are strongly influenced by traditional Techno and at the same time making a move to a new sound and mixing. Influenced by the classical Detroit sound, he takes on the spirits and aesthetics of Underground Resistance, Tresor, and Basic Channel. As an individual feedback to the omnipresent alike digital timbres and sounds all over, he tends to return to the nature of the origin, to put his audience on a musical journey of rough texture but rich in groove and energy. Jackie is an adventurous DJ who's improvising mixtures of different elements, like sounds from old analog drum machines, some African beats, or industrial bangs are a very personal statement in opposition to DJ sets of no character and spirit.