Success with tempting parking spaces

Success with tempting parking spaces

2016-10-16    04'31''

主播: 阿YAO🎤

154 0

来自“曾格格英语” The road to success is lined with manytempting parking spaces. 通往成功的路旁充斥许多诱人的休息区。 今日朗读技巧听读练(朗读主讲: 阿YAO) 1、按照意群把句子分成若干小部分:   The road | to success | islined with | many tempting | parking spaces. 2、分别读准每一个意群,并反复读。   The road to success is lined with   (这个意群里出现一处语音现象:仔细听老师读)   many tempting   parking spaces 3、每个意群读得很熟练之后,尝试着加快速度朗读每一个意群,分别读。   The road   to success   is lined with   many tempting   parking spaces 4、用慢速把所有的意群串联起来,并反复练习。   The road | to success | islined with | many tempting | parking spaces. 5、加快每一个意群内部的速度,并串联所有的意群。   The road | to success | islined with | many tempting | parking spaces . *原来漂亮的英语句子朗读就是这样练就的。
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