Try what's beyond

Try what's beyond

2016-10-16    05'35''

主播: 阿YAO🎤

145 0

来自“曾格格英语” Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.   —Ralph Waldo Emerson 若不尝试自己能力之外的事,则永远不会成长。   ——拉尔夫‧爱默生 今日朗读技巧听读练(朗读主讲: 阿YAO) 1、按照意群把句子分成若干小部分:   Unless youtry | to do something | beyond | what you have| already mastered, | you will never grow. 2、分别读准每一个意群,并反复读。   Unless you try   (这个意群有一处语音现象,仔细听老师示范。)   to do something   beyond   what you have   (这个意群有一处语音现象,仔细听老师示范。   already mastered   you will never grow 3、每个意群读得很熟练之后,尝试着加快速度朗读每一个意群,分别读。   Unless you try   to do something   beyond   what you have   already mastered,   you will never grow 4、用慢速把所有的意群串联起来,并反复练习。   Unless you try | to do something | beyond | what you have | already mastered, | you will nevergrow. 5、加快每一个意群内部的速度,并串联所有的意群。   Unless you try | to do something | beyond | what you have | already mastered, | you will nevergrow. *原来漂亮的英语句子朗读就是这样练就的。
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下一期: Light a candle