

2016-03-25    05'00''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

119 4

本期内容:The story caused by an egg Tom and Charle were friends and they went to the same school. In case Tom got hungry at school, his mother gave him a boiled egg every morning.Actually Tom didn&`&t really like eggs,but he knew that his good friend Charlie liked it.So he gave the egg to Charlie everyday. Charlie accepted it gladly and appreciated Tom for that very much at the beginning.But gradually, Charlie took it for granted and was not greatful for Tom’s kindness. Until one day, Tom made a new friend Dean at school,to show his kindness,Tom gave the egg to Dean instead of Charlie,which made Charlie very angry.He felt like that Tom betrayed him,and since then,he never spoke to Tom anymore. (中文大意请听音频) PS:知道你们要吐槽,先统一回复:怎么?还不许我在自己的节目里客串?才出现了两次而已根本就是个活不过第二集的群演好吗,求放过 本期互动: 现实生活中的你是否也扮演过Tom或是Charlie的角色?来分享下你的故事或者观点吧~ 本期音乐: Tim&`&s Lullaby - Bandari Calling you - Jevetta Steele 欢迎订阅Dean的晚安电台,第一时间获取节目更新~ 想和Dean一起学英语,快快直戳http://t.cn/Rq43KMi下载“英语流利说”吧