What Should I Wear? 每天早晨起来的难题,我该穿什么好呢?
这一期和哈佛小伙儿Kenny来聊聊“衣服”的话题~~大家学到什么、想学什么都可以给我回复哦~ 本期要点: - Wake up in the morning and get dressed - Go to your wardrobe(衣柜) Work (at the office): - Lawyer or Economist: suit and tie (西服领带) - Engineer (Coder): t-shirt and hoodie(卫衣) Workout (at the gym健身房): - Casual athletic/sports clothes: t-shirt, shorts, running shoes Party: - Girls: dress, skirt, high heels(高跟鞋), flats(平底鞋) - Guys: dress shirt, tie, bow tie(领结), dress shoes(正装鞋) Sleep: - Pajamas(睡衣) - No clothes (naked ^_^)