1. Nominee n. 候选人,被提名者
Nominate v. 推荐,提名
He is being nominated for the job.
2. 富二代:the second generation rich; someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth
spoiled heir; children of the nouveau riche
He is a spoiled kid who tries to play games in the adult world.
3. 白手起家:build up from nothing; rags to riches
If you want to go from rags to riches, you have to work hard.
Work hard也可以说:work your ass off (忙得屁屁都掉啦~ 真的很忙哦)
4. Narcissistic adj. 自恋的; Narcissus水仙花
He is so narcissistic and he thinks everything is about him.
5. 形容人胖的(贬义):fat, tubby, overweight
He is slightly overweight.
形容人胖的(中性):plump, stocky
形容人瘦的(贬义):thin, skinny, underweight
Some supermodels are far too skinny.
形容人瘦的(中性):slim, slender
丑的:unattractive, ugly, hideous
6. First lady 第一夫人
Michelle Obama is the first lady of the US.
本期任务:用学到滴吐槽别人的词来形容一下川普大叔~ 或者是皇兄吧~ 可以语音评论给我们呦!