【嘿!皇兄!】 里约,不以国家之名。

【嘿!皇兄!】 里约,不以国家之名。

2016-08-25    19'28''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

90 9

先提高英语,请下载“英语流利说” 1.中国女排 blow up 火了 皇兄(Bro. Huang) is going to blow up. all the rage The Chinese women volleyball team became all the rage after winning the Olympics. 中国女排在赢得比赛之后就火了! become a household name 家喻户晓 go viral 多用于互联网传播 2. 难民参赛 refugee 难民 take refuge in something (physically and mentally)躲避,避开 The children took refuge in the house before the storm came. 小朋友们在暴雨之前都到屋子里躲雨。 Some people often get bored and take refuge in drinks and drugs. 有些人因为空虚而通过喝酒吸毒来逃避。 醉生梦死哦 3. 伟大的母爱—丘索维金娜 gymnast 体操运动员 Nothing compares to the love of a mother 母爱是最伟大滴 A face that only a mother could love 丑!(但是母不嫌子丑~) 4. 林丹和李宗伟的爱与恨 爱恨交加 Tom and Jerry They are like Tom and Jerry. in a love-hate relationship I am in a love-hate relationship with chocolate. 对于巧克力,真是又爱又恨啊~! frenemy亦敌亦友 Nemesis 主要竞争者,强劲对手 In the final, he will meet his old nemesis, Lin Dan. 5. 奥运求婚 propose to someone 求婚 Bro. Huang proposed to his girlfriend only six months after they met each other. 皇兄在跟女朋友认识六个月之后就求婚了。(呵呵) pop the question Did you pop the question? 6. 斐济创造历史 unprecedented 史无前例的,空前的 This is unprecedented for Fiji. 这对于斐济来说是史无前例哦~ There is a first time for everything. 凡事总有第一次滴! Winning your first gold medal at an Olympics is one thing, but winning your country’s first ever gold is quite another. 为你自己赢得第一块金牌是一回事,但是为你的国家赢得有史以来第一块就完全是另一回事了。 Dreaming of something is one thing, but fighting for it is quite another. 梦想一件事是一回事,但是为之付出努力却是另一回事。 7. Joseph Schooling超越偶像 beyond the reach 难以达到 His goal is beyond his reach. low hanging fruit 容易达到的目标 Why don’t you go after the low-hanging fruit first? 你为什么不先争取更容易的目标呢? The student has become the master. 青出于蓝 本期任务:跟皇兄分享一件你偶像激励你完成的事情吧!