

2016-09-12    06'00''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

71 4

Hello欢迎来到跟着Mona去留学~ this is Mona!一个爱吃爱玩爱冒险,爱唱歌爱旅游爱英语的妹纸。这个节目会不定期一周一更,欢迎大家订阅我的说客喔! 想提高英语,请下载“英语流利说” 背景音乐:If I die young -The Band Perry 音频里有一段是美国朋友的奥利奥测评哦~ 文本在单词下面哦! 乐事 Lays 品客 Pringles 乐之 Ritz 原味的 classic 烧烤味 barbecue 芝士味 cheese 盐醋味 Salt & Vinegar 酸奶油洋葱味 Sour Cream & Onion 奶酪酸奶油味 Cheddar & Sour Cream 四川香辣味 Chinese Sichuan Chicken 印度咖喱味 Indian Tikka Masala 巴西烧烤牛排味 Brazilian Picanha 奥利奥 Oreo 花生酱夹心奥利奥 Peanut Butter Cream Oreo 薄荷味奥利奥 Cool Mint Oreo 蓝莓派夹心奥利奥 Blueberry Pie Oreo 杏仁 almond[ˈɑmənd] 花生 peanut 腰果 cashew [ˈkæʃu] 松子 pine nut 夏威夷果 macadamia /mækəˈdeɪmiə/ 蓝莓派夹心奥利奥的测评: They smell pretty good, they smell like what you expect, graham cracker with blueberry I guess, smells. But as far as the cookie itself, it looks pretty nice, it’s actually not blue, it’s like purple color, which I find interesting. But as you can see here it’s a nice cookie. It easily splits apart as you just saw, which is great. Hum…. The cream itself tastes very good, it’s definitely easily likable, and of course the cookie, same as before, yap, graham cracker cookie. But, how about the cookie as a whole, does it taste good, let’s try it out. As a whole this cookie is actually very good. 如果你喜欢我的说客,欢迎点击文末左下角的“跟着Mona去留学”,再点击订阅按钮哟~~~~么么哒(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ