

2016-09-26    13'20''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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欢迎来到新闻流利说,本期节目的主持人是Mary。 想提高英语,请下载“英语流利说” Give education its due in job market | 让学历的价值在招聘中体现 Migrant workers engaged mainly in manual jobs earned 3,072 yuan ($460) a month on average in 2015, about 3.5 times their income 10 years ago, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. During the same period, the average monthly salary of college graduates increased from 1,588 yuan to 3,726 yuan. 根据中国人力资源与社会保障局的最新数据:进城务工的人主要从事体力劳动,2015年他们的人均月收入为3,072元;是他们十年前收入的3.5倍。同样的时期,大学毕业生的平均月工资从1,588元增长到3,726元。 The shrinking income gap between migrant workers and college graduates has sparked a fierce debate online. While one group has expressed concern over the development, the second group accuses the first of being cynical, saying migrant workers should be treated equally in the labor market and earn about the same when doing the same job. 进城务工人员与大学毕业生之间正在缩小的收入差距引发了网络上的激烈讨论。一部分人表达了对工资增长不平衡的重视,而另一部分人则对这样的说法表示质疑,认为进城务工人员应该在劳工市场上被同等对待:做同样的工作,就应该得到同样的工资。 Huawei begins making phones in India| 华为开始在印度制造手机 Huawei Technologies Co will begin assembling phones in India with manufacturing partner Flextronics International Ltd, establishing a beachhead in the world's fastest-growing smartphone arena. The Chinese company expects to have Flex put together its first gadgets [ˈgædʒɪt] starting October, the chief executive for Huawei's Indian business told reporters at a news conference. 华为科技公司将要和Flextronics国际公司合作,在印度制造手机;从而在快速增长的智能手机领域抢占高地。这个中国公司期待在10月份和Flex开始合作,华为公司印度事业部负责人在新闻发布会上告诉记者。 How Li Na and the $225 million Wuhan Open took on the world | 李娜和2.25亿美元的武汉公开赛如何面向世界 Take one of Asia's biggest sports stars, a multimillion-dollar investment and a Chinese city determined to compete domestically and internationally, and what do you have? 把亚洲的一位体育巨星,一个数百万美元的投资和一个决心在国内和国际上有所竞争的中国城市结合在一起,会得到什么? The Wuhan Open. 答案就是,武汉公开赛。 World's top 10 cities in economic clout | 世界经济影响力最强的10座城市 Beijing ranked 3rd in the world's top cities in terms of economic clout, but it faces the challenge of high costs, according to PwC's biennial [baɪˈeniəl] "Cities of Opportunity" report. 普华永道两年一次的“机会城市” 报告显示:在世界经济影响力城市排名中,北京位列第三。但是它也面临着生活成本较高的挑战。 It showed that Beijing ranked 19th in the overall rankings, even though it ranked third in indicators of its role as a gateway city and economic clout and also made significant improvement in indicators of intellectual capital, innovation and technology readiness. 报告表明北京在总排名中位列第十九,尽管它在门户城市和经济影响力的方面的指标上排名第三,并且在智力资本、创新和科技成熟度的指标上有显著的提高。