how to say 真期待 in English

how to say 真期待 in English

2016-10-09    06'19''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

18 2

Hi everyone,想提高英语,就下载“英语流利说” So it's almost the weekend! Are you looking forward to it? Looking forward to something = 期待某件事情 今天我们一起来看看这个语句的正确用法。先来几个例子: I'm looking forward to the weekend. 我期待周末。 I'm looking forward to seeing you. 我期待见到你。 这语句有两个可行的结构: 1. someone + [be] looking forward to + noun (名词) I am looking forward to the weekend. I am looking forward to lunch. 2. someone + [be] looking forward to + verb+ing (动词+ing) I'm looking forward to seeing you. I'm really looking forward to going on vacation. (加上 really = 很: 注意不要说成 "very"!) 当然,不一定说 "I“, 也可以说 ”you", "he", "we" 等等 He's looking forward to going back home. We're looking forward to the party. She must be looking forward to her trip. 问句的结构是: [be] + someone + looking forward to + noun / verb+ing Are you looking forward to going back to school? Is he looking forward to the soccer game? 否定句的结构是 someone + [be] + not looking forward to + noun / verb+ing I'm not looking forward to going back to work on Monday He's not looking forward to the meeting. 要注意,就像中文里的"期待",英文里的 looking forward to 或者 not looking forward to 只可以用于你确定会发生的事情, 意思和 "I want" 或者 "I hope" 是不一样的 -因为 “want" 和 ”hope“ 可以用于不确定,想象中的事情。对比一下: I really want to go to America but I can't get a visa. 我很想去美国,但是我拿不到签证。 I'm really looking forward to going to America, I bought my plane tickets last night! 我很期待去美国,我昨晚买了机票! I hope my flight won't be delayed. 我希望我的航班不会误点。 I'm not looking forward to going through customs, it always takes ages! 我不期盼过海关,每次都要花很长时间的! 最后提醒一下大家别犯一下的常见错误: 1. 很多中国朋友会直接把中文翻译成英文,把 ”我很期待“ 说成 I'm waiting for it! 或者 I'm expecting it! 这两种说法的意思 不是 "期待“ - 所以要注意,不要直接翻译!正确的说法是 I'm looking forward to it! 2. 注意语法 - 不要漏了 be (am / are / is) 和 to - looking forward to 后面的动词别忘了加 ing 不要说: I looking forward to it (少了 "am") I am looking forward the dinner (少了 "to") I am looking forward to see you again (应该是 seeing 少了 ing)