

2016-10-24    03'05''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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The Chinese real estate billionaire is storming into the film industry. Wang Jianlin has snapped up cinema chains and a US production house, and has boasted of plans to buy one of the six major US film studios. 中国房地产亿万富翁开始涉足电影产业,王健林已经着手购得连锁影院以及一家美国制作公司,而且雄心勃勃计划买下六大美国电影公司其中的一家。 China's richest man, Wang Jianlin, didn't mince words in a major address to Hollywood on Monday.“Hollywood, which is famous for its storytelling, apparently is not as good as it used to be in telling stories,” he said, citing the industry’s obsession with sequels and remakes. 中国首富王健林在周一致好莱坞的大型演讲中直言不讳地说:“好莱坞曾以会讲故事闻名,不过现在看来,它不如从前那么会讲了。”他援引业界热衷于续集拍摄和电影翻拍时说道。 “Those sequels might have worked before, but Chinese audiences are more sophisticated now. If you want to participate in the growing Chinese market, you must improve film quality.” “那些续集以前可能还卖座,但中国观众现如今更为复杂了。如果你想跟上不断发展壮大的中国市场,你就必须提高电影质量。” 来自卫报 donutsweet @流利说新闻组 想提高英语,请下载“英语流利说” 喜欢我的节目吗?那就赶紧戳下方的栏目名,订阅我吧!酱紫就能第一时间收听到节目啦~