一天一句必知习语- get up to

一天一句必知习语- get up to

2016-11-02    02'37''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

62 4

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone Welcome to Nikki’s English Salon So I hope you all had a wonderful weekend Now this week, we’re going to keep learning some must-know idiomatic expressions. But I know you’re all very busy people, so we’re going to learn just ONE expression a day. If you learn these expressions well, it will improve your listening skills, and make you sound more like a real native English speaker. Ok let’s get started! Today’s expression is... GET UP TO 做了些什么? 发音小提示 1. 注意连读: ge-tup-to 2. up 的 p 不要读得太重,是非常轻的,几乎听不到 (但是嘴唇动作还是要做!) 读得轻才可以和 to 连读 例句 1. What did you get up to this weekend? 你这个周末都做了些什么呢? 2. Did you get up to anything exciting this weekend? 你这个周末有没有做了什么有趣的事情? 3. What are you getting up to tonight? 你今晚打算做些什么?