

2016-11-18    13'27''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高英语,请下载“英语流利说” 林丹出轨: 1.horny — randy (英国) 好色的,淫荡的 2.true love 真爱 I haven’t found my true love. 3.emotional affair 精神出轨 4.raise eyebrows 惊讶 Lin dan’s affair raised a lot of eyebrows. 5. frown upon 对…鄙视 Many of my friends frowned upon Lin Dan’s behavior. 6.pissed off (美)生气的 pissed (英) 喝醉的 飞行员事故: 1.sacrifice oneself for one’s country/job 以身殉国/殉职 Yu Xu sacrificed herself for her country. 2.live to tell the tale 幸存 3.dice with death 置自己于危险境地 This is too dangerous, don’t dice with death. 新西兰地震: 1.magnitude 震级 New Zealand just went through a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. 新西兰刚刚经历一次7.8级地震。 2.act of god 天灾,不可抗力 wrath of god 人祸;上帝之怒(媒体使用较多,偏书面) 3.a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马;因祸得福