

2016-11-30    04'08''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

22 2

Hi everyone, and welcome to Nikki's English Salon! Today, we're going to talk about five of the most common Chinglish mistakes. 今天我们来说说五个最常见的中式英文错误! These are mistakes that I hear almost everyday in China, and if you can fix them, your English will sound so much more like that of a native speaker! 这些都是我在中国几乎每天都听到的错误,要是你能纠正这些错误,你的英语将会说得更像英语母语者! So please pay attention: 所以请留意: 1. "d"Do you like American food? Just so-so" We cannot answer "so-so" to a question about "d"Do you like...?" “d"Do you like..." 这个问题不能回答 "so-so" In fact, so-so is a really outdated expression that we hardly ever use anymore. So when people ask you "d"Do you like..." you should answer: It's ok / Not really / I'm not a big fan. 其实 so-so 是一个很过时的说法了。要是别人问你 "d"Do you like" 你应该回答 "It's ok / not really / I'm not a big fan (我不是一个大粉丝 ^_^) d"Do you like American food? It's ok, but I'm not a big fan. 2. "I seldom go to bars with my friends" Seldom is also a very outdated word. It's still used a bit in America, but almost never in other countries. Stop saying "seldom", you should say "hardly ever". Seldom也是个很过时的字。在美国还偶然会有人用,但是在其他国家几乎不会听到的。别说Seldom了,应该说 hardly ever. I hardly ever go to bars with my friends. 3. "I like football, it's really funny!" Funny means hahaha - something that makes you laugh. If you think an activity is enjoyable or interesting, you should say "fun" Funny是哈哈哈 - 很搞笑的意思。要是你觉得某个活动很有趣,应该说 "fun" I like football, it's really fun. 4. "I drive car to work" d"Don't translate from Chinese to English! d"Drive is just drive - you don't need to say drive car! 不要直接从中文翻译成英文! 开车就是 drive - 不需要说 car! I drive to work. 5. "Wish you have a nice day!" d"Don't say "wish you" - we just say "have a nice day!" 别说 wish you - 就说 have a nice day! Have a nice day! -------- Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new!