原来有那么多方式说 Yes!

原来有那么多方式说 Yes!

2016-12-05    03'42''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

30 2

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone, and welcome to Nikki's English Salon! Today, we're going to be really positive. We're going to learn some different ways to say "yes"! 今天我们来说一些正能量的话! 我们一起学学用不同的方式说 yes! 其实英文里说 yes 的方式很多。最常见的就是 yeah 1. Yeah This is a casual way of saying yes. 是比较随便的yes For example: A: Would you like to go to a party with me this Saturday? 你周六想跟我去个party吗? B:Yeah sure! 好啊! 2. Yup This is also casual, and it sounds very decisive and sure Yup也是随便的说法,给人的感觉是非常干脆的 For example: A: Can I borrow your pen? 我可以借一下你的笔吗? B: Yup, no worries! 可以,没问题! Yup is sometimes also written as Yep. Yup有时候也会拼写成Yep 3. Uh huh Uh huh also means yes. It's often used when to mean "I agree" or "I see" when others are speaking, but you don't want to interrupt them by actually speaking - it's a bit like saying 嗯 in Chinese Uh huh 也是 Yes 的意思。一般用来表示 "我同意" 或 “明白", 特别用于当你听别人说话但有不想打断别人的时候 - 就像说“嗯”一样。 For example: A: We need to prepare some sandwiches for the meeting tomorrow, and also some drinks... 我们需要为明天的会议准备一些三文治,还有一些饮料... B: Uh huh... 嗯 A: ... And let's also get some cakes ... 也买些蛋糕吧 B: OK sure. 好的 4. Mm hmm Mm hmm is very similar to uh huh. It's a more gentle way of saying yes. Mm hmm 和 uh huh 差不多,是一个更和蔼的 yes For example: A: Are you busy now mum? 妈妈你正在忙吗? B: Mm hmm, I'm making dinner. I'll come play with you later, ok? 嗯,是的,我在做晚餐。待会再来陪你玩,好吗? 5. Right Right is very easy to understand - it's used to tell someone "yes, that's right!" Right 很容易理解,就是告诉别人 "对" 的意思。 For example: A: So you mean the best way to practice my English is by making sentences? 那您的意思是练习英语最好的方式就是造句? B: Right! You have to make your own sentences to practice what you've learnt! 对! 你需要自己造句,练习你所学到的知识 ! ------ Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new!