

2016-12-09    05'32''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

44 4

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! 呜啦啦,欢迎来到流利说好声音,我是Tina。今天是我们的老朋友橘扎Miko带来的歌曲Payphone,这首歌是魔力红写给粉丝生日的一首歌曲。但却讲述了一个悲伤的爱情故事,它犹如一种充满流行摇滚元素的魔法,饱含复古和优雅的风格,主角在歌中被“伤害”的感觉真实可感。一起来欣赏吧! 歌名:Payphone 原唱:Maroon 5 翻唱:橘扎Miko 背景音乐:系守高校 I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我站在付费电话前 试着打电话回家 All of my change i spent on you 我所有的零钱都已为你挥霍殆尽 Where have the times gone 我们的最好的时光都去了哪里 Baby,It' s all wrong, 宝贝儿 一切都已经不对 where are the plans we made for two 我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢 Yeah, i, i know it' s hard to remember 是的 我知道很难去记得 The people we used to be 曾经的我们是什么样的我们 It' s even harder to picture 但更难的是去想象 That you' re not here next to me 你会不在我身边 You said it' s too late to make it 你说已经太晚再挽回 But is it too late to try? 但是不是连尝试都已不必要 And in our time that you wasted 在所有你荒废了的我们的时间里 All of our bridges burnt down 我们的一切都已崩塌 I' ve wasted my nights 我浪费了那些夜晚 You turned out the lights 你熄灭了灯火 Now i' m paralyzed 我已全身麻痹 动弹不得 Still stucked in that time when we called it love 仍然困在那一段 我们称之为相爱的时光里 But even the sun sets in paradise 但即便天堂的太阳也落了 I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我也会站在付费电话前 试着打回家 All of my change i spent on you 我所有的零钱都已花完 Where are the times gone 我们的最好的时光都去了哪里 Baby,It' s all wrong, 宝贝儿 一切都已经不对 where are the plans we made for two 我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢 If happy ever after did exist 如果“从此快乐的生活到永远”的确存在 I would still be holding you like this 我就会像这样永远与你相拥 All those fairytales are full of shit 所有的童话都已面目全非 One more f*cking love song i' ll be sick 再多一首情歌都会让我作呕 You turned your back on tomorrow 你背弃了明天 Cause you forgot yesterday 因为你已忘记了过去 I gave you my love to borrow 我给你我全部的爱 But you just gave it away 但你弃之若履 You can' t expect me to be fine 你不能期望我能淡然面对 I don' t expect you to care 我也不期望你能在乎 I know i said it before 我知道我曾说过 But all of our bridges burnt down 但属于我们的一切都已经崩裂 I' ve wasted my nights 我荒废了我的夜晚 You turned out the lights 你熄灭了那些灯火 Now i' m paralyzed 我全身麻痹 动弹不得 Still sucked in that time when we called it love 仍然困在那些 我们称之为相爱的时光里 But even the sun sets in paradise 但即便天堂的太阳也落了 I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我也会站在付费电话前 试着打回家 世间哪有比爱情这件事情更糟心糟肺的事,每个人曾经都被童话世界王子与公主的爱情哄骗过。每个女孩都幻想有一个阳光帅气,体贴入微的榜样男友,但爱过伤过,执着过,偏执过,最后才会明白爱情只能是一杯越来越浑的马天尼。