一天一句地道英语:这样说 "I think" 更地道!

一天一句地道英语:这样说 "I think" 更地道!

2016-12-12    02'23''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

22 2

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone, and welcome to Nikki's English Salon! This week, we're going to keep things simple, and we're going to learn a new and super useful expression every day. 这个星期我们简单化一些! 每天,我们来学一个超有用的新语句。想提高你的英语每天只需要一分钟! 太简单不过了吧? Today's expression is: I reckon I reckon is an informal way to say I think. I reckon 是 I think 的非正式说法 It's getting really cloudy. I reckon it's going to rain. 越来越多云了,我看要下雨了 Pete reckons Mia is going to quit soon. Pete认为Mia快要辞职了 Do you reckon Manchester will win against Liverpool? 你觉得曼城会胜于利物浦队吗? I think we should stay back and try to finish the project tonight. What do you reckon? 我认为我们应该呆下来,尽量今晚完成项目。你看呢? ------ Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new! 想学到更多更地道的英文? 别忘了关注我 (点击我的用户名) 我是来自澳洲的华裔老师,有五年的丰富教学经验,深度了解中国学生学英语的困难,常犯错误。可以用最标准的口音为你们讲解。 Keep practicing and see you next time!