一天一句地道英语:别再拖延了! 英语怎么说?

一天一句地道英语:别再拖延了! 英语怎么说?

2016-12-13    02'36''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

73 7

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone, and welcome to Nikki's English Salon! Today, we're going to talk about a very common problem. It's the problem of procrastination! Procrastination = 拖延症 Do you often procrastinate? If you do, it's time to stop procrastinating! 别再拖延了! Let's have a look at some example sentences: 1. Your report is due tomorrow! Stop procrastinating and finish it off! 你的报告明天就要交了。别拖延了,快把它完成吧! 2. I always procrastinate, I know it's a terrible habit! 我总是拖延,我知道这是个非常坏的习惯! 3. I'm the world's biggest procrastinator! I need better self-control! 我是世上最严重的拖延症患者! 我需要更好的自我控制能力! 4. You say you want to improve your English, so why procrastinate? Start practising today! 你说你想提高你的英语,那为什么还拖延呢?今天就开始练习吧! ******** Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new!