你知道 sweet 的另一个意思吗?

你知道 sweet 的另一个意思吗?

2016-12-14    02'32''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

29 2

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hey everyone Today we're going to talk about a word that you all know Sweet! But did you know that "sweet" has another meaning? 你知道 sweet 的另一个意思吗? Sweet can also mean great! / fantastic! / excellent! It's an informal way to say all of these things 没错,sweet 也是 "太好了“,“太棒了" 的意思,是非正式口语 Let's have a look at some example sentences: A: I got us two tickets to the Taylor Swift concert! B: Wow! Sweet! 我帮我们买到了两张霉霉的演唱会的门票 哇!太好了! A: Mark said he's coming to the party. B: Sweet! I haven't seen him for ages! Mark 说他会来参加 party 的 太好了!我好久没见他了! You can also use sweet as an adjective to mean great Sweet 也可以当形容词来用,意思是“很棒的” I found this sweet place yesterday for skateboarding. I'll show you tomorrow. 我昨天找到了一个很棒的玩滑板的地方。明天我带你去看看。 We got a sweet deal at the electronics store yesterday - a laptop and a camera for just $600! 我们昨天在电子店捡到便宜货了 - 手提电脑和相机一共才六百块! ******** Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new!