

2016-12-16    03'30''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to Nikki’s English Salon Well, tomorrow is a big day for the world - it’s the American Presidential Election Day! So before the big day, let’s make sure you know what this big race is all about. 今天给大家说说九条关于美国大选的必知常识 (在语音里我只给大家读英文,大家要边听边看看下面的中英对照哦!) 1. Hilary Clinton is the leader of the liberal Democrat Party 希拉里.克林顿是比较开放的民主党的领袖。 2. Donald Trump is the leader of the conservative Republican Party 唐纳德.特朗普是比较保守的共和党的领袖。 3. Clinton and Trump are two of the most unpopular Presidential candidates in American history 克林顿和特朗普是美国历史上最不受欢迎的总统候选人之二。 4. There have been many scandals and shocks throughout the election campaign 这次的竞选宣传活动的过程中有许多丑闻和令人震惊的消息。 5. Trump has come under fire for his offensive comments against immigrants and women 特朗布由于他对移民和女性无礼的的评论而受到了抨击。 6. Clinton’s campaign has been damaged by her poor management of her top-secret emails 克林顿的宣传活动因为她对最高机密的电子邮件处理不妥当而遭到了损失。 7. The election will be a very tight one 这次大选会是非常激烈的。 8. Swing states like Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina and Nevada will make all the difference “摇摆州” (没有特别支持某个竞选人的州) - 比如俄亥俄,维吉尼亚,科罗拉多,北卡罗来纳,内华达州 - 的影响力重大,可以彻底决定大选的结果。 9. The new President will take office on January 20 2017 新总统将在2017年1月20号就职。 ******** Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new!