母语老师教你说: How does that sound?

母语老师教你说: How does that sound?

2017-01-04    01'07''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

11 2

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to 英语开眼界
本说客原节目名称 "NIKI的英语沙龙" 现改名为”英语开眼界“。还是一样的配方,还是一样的优质!希望大家继续关注呦~ Today we’re going to learn a very useful expression How does that sound? How does that sound? 就是: "你觉得怎么样?" 或者: ”你看可以吗?“ 的意思 For example: Let’s work on your vocabulary today, and we’ll look at grammar tomorrow. how does that sound? 我们今天练习词汇,明天再看语法,你觉得怎么样? Sounds great! 好的! ******** Thanks for listening everyone. I hope you learnt something new! 想学到更多更地道的英文? 别忘了关注我 (点击我的用户名) 我是来自澳洲的华裔老师,有五年的丰富教学经验,深度了解中国学生学英语的困难,常犯错误。可以用最标准的口音为你们讲解。 Keep practicing and see you next time!