

2017-01-05    04'39''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

63 5

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! 呜啦啦啦,欢迎来到流利说好声音,我是Tina!今天是Jimmy给大家带来的歌曲《Heathens》,这首歌曲是泰勒·约瑟夫特地为电影《X特遣队》而创作的。让我们一起来欣赏一下这首歌吧! 歌名:Heathens 原唱:Twenty One Pilots 翻唱:Jimmy All my friends are heathens take it slow 我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点 Wait for them to ask you who you know 在这里等着他们来问你些问题 Please don't make any sudden moves 请不要轻举妄动 You don't know the half of the abuse 你不会知道有什么后果 All my friends are heathens take it slow 我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点 Wait for them to ask you who you know 在这里等着他们来问你些问题 Please don't make any sudden moves 请不要轻举妄动 You don't know the half of the abuse 你不会知道有什么后果 Welcome to the room of people 欢迎来到这满是人的房间 Who have rooms of people that they loved one day 他们曾被万人崇拜 Docked away 离他们远一点 Just because we check the guns at the door 在门口查枪并不意味着我们会害怕 Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades 就算你拿出手雷我们也面不改色 You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you 你旁边坐着你喜欢的那个神经病 You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you 你旁边坐着你喜欢的那个谋杀犯 You'll think how'd I get here sitting next to you 你会想为什么我会坐在你旁边 But after all I've said please don't forget 但是终究不要忘记 我曾跟你说过 All my friends are heathens take it slow 我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点 Wait for them to ask you who you know 在这里等着他们来问你些问题 Please don't make any sudden moves 请不要轻举妄动 You don't know the half of the abuse 你不会知道有什么后果 We don't deal with outsiders very well 我们对外来者不太友好 They say newcomers have a certain smell 他们说新人总是喜欢藏着掖着 You have trust issues not to mention 你有没交代的事情 They say they can smell your intentions 他们对你的意图一清二楚 You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you 你旁边坐着你喜欢的那个怪胎 You'll have some weird people sitting next to you 你旁边总会坐着一些怪异的人 You'll think how did I get here sitting next to you 你会想知道为什么我会坐在你旁边 But after all I've said please don't forget 但是终究不要忘记 我曾跟你说过 Watch it watch it 小心 小心 二十一名飞行员乐队以家乡俄亥俄的酒吧小剧场为据点,用每一场演出,吸引每一位听众为自己添枝加叶。独特的曲风融合了多种元素,正是这种大胆另类的创新让二十一名飞行员乐队的音乐几乎拥有洗脑的魔力。喜欢流利说好声音?请点击下方蓝色的按钮关注我们哦!  背景音乐:Love so sweet