

2017-01-23    03'13''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

65 4

呜啦啦啦,欢迎来到流利说好声音,我是Tina酱。今天Dean男神又来唱歌啦,开心的Tina差点从床上蹦下来。而且还是甜蜜的男女对唱呢,什么情况啊!最重要的是,这首歌《Love Is an Open Door》竟然是冰雪奇缘中安娜公主和汉斯王子见面时唱的歌,你还记得吗? 歌名:Love Is an Open Door 原唱:Kristen Bell 翻唱:Dean Okay, can I just, say something crazy? 我能说点疯话吗? I love crazy! 我喜欢听疯话。 All my life has been a series of doors in my face 我的生活不过是面前的一扇又一扇门 And then suddenly I bump into you 但是突然之间,我撞见了你 I was thinking the same thing,because like 我也这么想,因为 I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own place 我穷尽一生只为寻找自我 And maybe it’s the party talking or the chocolate fondue 也许因为这是派对或是巧克力火锅 But with you (but with you) 但和你在一起 I’ve got my place (I see your face) 我找到了自我(我看到你的脸) And it’s nothing like I’ve ever known before 这感觉从未有过 Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 With you (with you) 和你在一起 和你在一起 With you (with you) 和你在一起 和你在一起 Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 I mean it’s crazy (what?!) 这太疯狂了(什么) We finish each other’s (sandwiches) 我们吃完了对方的 (三明治) That’s what I was gonna say! 我正想说这个 I never met someone 我从未遇到过 Who thinks so much like me (Jinx! Jinx again!) 和我如此默契的人(拉钩 再拉钩) Our mental synchronization 我们心意相通 Can have but one explanation 只有一个原因 You and I were just meant to be 你和我是命中注定 Say goodbye (say goodbye) to the pain of the past 说再见 对过去的痛苦 We don’t have to feel it anymore 我们无需再那样活 Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 Life can be so much more 生命有你更精彩 With you (with you) With you (with you) Love is an open door 爱是一扇相互敞开的心门 Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me? 我能说句疯狂的话吗 你愿意嫁给我吗 Can I say something even crazier? Yes! 我能说句更疯狂的话吗 我愿意! 有木有觉得好听炸耳啊啊啊!!!循环播放50遍木有问题!如果有一天,Dean男神问你们:Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?你们会怎么回答呢?好啦,今天的节目就到这里啦,拜拜! 背景音乐:偶然的春天